For almost two decades, THE ROMEERA FOUNDATION has been dedicated to contributing to society in numerous ways – encompassing a variety of philanthropic projects. These involve both work done directly by the foundation – and that achieved through the efforts of independent charities we actively support globally in many countries and regions such as the United Kingdom, India, Europe and East Africa.


THE ROMEERA FOUNDATION is to help fund charities that work in the following areas: 
• Education, science and training
• Healthcare, advancement of health or saving of lives
• Arts, culture and heritage
• Welfare and famine relief
• Amateur sport
• Social and disability
• The prevention and relief of poverty
• Animal welfare

We support charities that can demonstrate their work has:
• A lasting, sustainable impact
• Scalability to ensure a widespread and growing impact
• A significant leverage effect so the impact of each donation can be multiplied throughout the local community and beyond


The objects of The Romeera Foundation are to make grants to other charities.


Our core values are compassion, care, education and ethical as well as social justice.


The Romeera Foundation was set up to support charities all over the world. The legacy of the charity goes back to Mrs Mehta’s father, Mr M P Shah, who has donated to many organisations and projects in Africa, India and the UK. The name of the foundation is composed of the names of our children, Romee and Meera.


Mrs Meera Mehta

THE ROMEERA FOUNDATION is a Registered Charity in England and Wales (No 1076325).
Registered office: 16 Heathgate, London, NW11 7AN, UK

Registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales: Romeera Aero Spares Ltd (No 00973300).
Correspondence address: 8 Temple Gardens, London, NW11 0LL, UK

UK Charities Search: http://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/